Samstag, 26. August 2017

Book Fair 2017 I

Hello readers!

This year, like every year, was the book fair in Leipzig. I've been visiting it for many years now and so this year as well. Sadly I was a little ill and so it was not possible for me to go there on thursday and friday. This year the fair was an only two day experience for me.
But on these two days I met a lot amazing people and I saw a lot great outfits. And of course I took several hundred pictures. Not that much as usual, but over 200 on saturday and more than 500 on sunday. That's nothing in my eyes but less pictures means less work after the event.
Usually saturday is a really crowded day. The most people visit the fair that day and that's why I wouldn't recomment it. Anyway, maybe I just feel like that now, but it seemed less bad this year. You could almost walk and it was not an endless waiting to access an area. But perhaps that was only the lack of oxygen what made me think so.
Now I want to show you the pictures of that day.

First is Annette in a self made outfit. Even the golden print on the fabric was made by her. I really loved her hairdo and bonnet. The colour palette is also just great.

Lydia wore an amazing skirt and I loved the little details like the necklace with the small scissors and yarn.

Unfortunadly I don't know all names and Susi twinned with a girl who's one of them. They both wore really nice Innocent World skirts. This look is so clean and still so great. I love the colour shades IW uses.

Katja wore one of my favorite dresses by IW, Royal Library. The red colour, the golden details and books! This dress has everything. Not to forget the Sweet Mildred headdress with a real book.

After all the "serious" pictures Susi and I tried to take pictures of her dancing and moving in circles. It was fun and some pictures came out quite nice.

Lydia took some pictures of me. It was a really improvised outfit and very last minute. The colours matched better than I thought.

I spent the rest of the day inside with different people. We walked and looked through some booths and heard (more or less) a poetry slammer. I didn't took a lot of pictures that day in generall but especially in the end. But because i'm me, I took some pictures of the flowers on one of the tables of a booth.

That was my first entry to the book fair. There'll be a second part and maybe a third, because I took a lot of pictures on sunday.

Thanks for reading!
