Mittwoch, 15. März 2017

Poupée ~ wool scarf, hat or sweater - it's winter! ~ Challenge February 2016

Hello readers!

Here we are again. I try to catch up, so that I can post every month the dress-ups of the month before.
As I wrote in the last poupée-entry, this is probably not a very interesting post for people who don't like games and dolls etc. but I've a guilty pleasure and that's poupée girl.
I'll write the same introduction every time with only little changes, the challenge theme for example.

For a while now I make my own monthly - in the past weekly - themes or challenges. I think that makes dressing up even more fun.
My challenge for february 2016: all outfits must have a wool hat, scarf ot sweater. It endet up a little differnt, so I did dressups with hats, scarfs and sweaters but it wasn't wool every time. But mostly I followed the original challenge theme.
At the same time were two actual popeé events with a background change and shops. The first was a winter sports event and the second was the yearly Valentine's day event. It luckily kind of matched my own theme, well, at least the first one. The Valentine's day theme worked too, but not that good. I hope I remember that day next year, so that my own challenge works better at that time.

The colours here go surprisingly well together. I really loved this dressup.
I bought some items in red and yellow and everytime I use them I think of Harry Potter. The scarf in the second outfit was even a buy with gryffindor in mind. Maybe I've enough items in the other house colours one day. When that happens I make a whole month with a Harry Potter theme. Some clothes for other characters could be difficult like Hagrid, Fleur or Filch. We'll see.

Next months - well it's this month - is Lolita fashion.
Thank you for reading!


Sonntag, 5. März 2017

Urban Fairytale IV ~ Photo Shoots

Hello readers,

this should actually be the last entry about the Urban Fairytale Event. But because there are so many pictures, I'll make a final and last post later. Today I show you some of the single pictures I took. Sadly I didn't photographed more people. There were so many Lolitas with beautiful outfits. But I'm happy that I was able to do at least some photos. And I know, it's not fair to say something like this, but it was special to me, to take pictures of Nakito (again, I'm using the Facebook names, I hope that's okay). I love that dress and that she actually had pointe shoes to match the theme of Alice and the Pirates Swan Lake Ballerina JSK. It was just really great.
Caro, of course, looked amazing as always. Her hair styling was beautiful and I liked how she wore constellation tights with Angelic Prettys Day Dream Carnival. And the closing of this blog entry are the Memorial Cake twins Pia and Lisa. APs Memorial Cake is one of my all time favorites. The print simply beautiful.


Next time I'll post some more single photo shoots and whatever I find interesting.
Thank you for reading!
